Hearing aid is not only an amplifier!

Basically, hearing aid is an electric amplifying device designed to make sounds audible to the individual with hearing loss. A hearing aid is composed by three components: microphone, amplifier and receiver. Thanks to increasing small micro-processor, the latest digital hearing aids are able to transform acoustic signals into a binary code at high speed and with great precision. Complex calculations provide the ultimate flexibility in providing individualized solutions to hearing loss. Many new features and benefits can be found on digital hearing aids, such as: digital zooming, noise reduction.

Hearing aid is not only an amplifier!


很多長者對助聽器都有負面的評論,如: 「耳機令到我耳仔好唔舒服呀、「耳機太大部唔想戴。相信不少乖仔乖女都聽過類似的說話吧!當然我們的聽力學家都常遇到類似情況,我們都會先了解實際原因再作相應處理。例如,當長者表示耳機「時大時細聲 ,可試以下幾項方法去解決問題:

  • 檢查助聽器
  • 為家長做聽力檢查
  • 檢查耳模是否不合適











除助聽器以外,很多家居小工具都可以輔助聽障人士家人朋友的日常溝通。 例如:

  1. 專為聽障人士而設的附加閃燈的特大聲響門鈴;
  2. 震動鬧鐘(另有便攜版);
  3. 可放大對話聲音及來電聆聲的家居電話;
  4. 專為單單溝通而設的私人傳話器等。



How to deal with tinnitus?

Most of us have experienced tinnitus in various degrees. To cope with this problem, firstly, let's understand the basic of tinnitus: tinnitus is not illness, it's only a symptom. The goal of tinnitus treatment is to reduce the annoyance caused by this symptom.

Phonak Hong Kong has developed comprehensive tinnitus assessment services. By analyzing patients' symptom in depth, we can provide professional follow up services, and choose the appropriate treatment method.

How to deal with tinnitus?

Don't underestimate otitis media!

Otitis media is a common disease to children. Since their eustachian tube is not fully developed yet,  they are facing a higher risk of bacteria infection, which will cause occlusion or swelling. If a child's otitis media is not carefully treated; it may damage his/her hearing and hence hinders his/her learning and speech development; in worst case, meningitis may occur.

For the case if adults, although their eustachian tube is completely grown, air-pressure during travelling on plane, diving and other damage to eardrum are still able to cause otitis media. Symptoms of otitis media is listed as the following:

Infant and children Teenagers and adults
  1. Infant and children
  2. Hearing Loss
  3. Crying and anxiety
  4. Fever
  5. Vomiting
  6. Fluids in ears
  1. Pain in ears
  2. Pressure and swelling in ears
  3. Hearing loss
  4. Feeling dizzy and losing sense of balance
  5. Vomiting
  6. Fluids in ears
  7. Fever

Don't underestimate otitis media!

Only 50% of hearing remains? How?

We often see others using percentage to describe one's hearing level. However, this is not an accurate indication for auditory conditions. Everybody has a different level of hearing, which enables receiving sounds of different volumes and frequencies. Thus, a hearing test is essential to determine the type and level of hearing loss, so as to provide right treatment.

弱聽程度 能接收的最低音量範圍 (分貝)
正常/沒有聽力問題 ≤ 25
輕度 26 – 40
中度 41 – 55
中重度 56 – 70
重度 71 – 90
極度 > 90



Only 50% of hearing remains? How?

Is it OK to not wear my hearing aids?

It is common to see people having difficulties when trying to adapt their hearing aids at the beginning. They may find the hearing aid is too loud/too quiet, or the sound is not comfortable for them.

To improve the listening experience, it is important to ask your audiologists to adjust the hearing aids for you. Audiologist will fine tune the hearing aids according to your requirements, so as to provide a sufficient volume gain and protect your residual hearing.

Is it OK to not wear my hearing aids?




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