Speech Therapy
Phonak Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation team aims at providing hearing and speech rehabilitation services for the hearing-impaired individuals and people who experience speech disorder in Hong Kong, Macau and China. Our goal is to help them to overcome their language and speech barrier and to enhance their communication so that they can enjoy life better. 'Strive for the best and serve all the needy' is our motto.
Our Commitment
Through our professional and experienced audiologist, auditory-verbal therapist, speech therapist and teacher for the deaf, we can provide a well- rounded services such as hearing and speech assessment, hearing aids fitting, audiological management, auditory-verbal therapy and speech therapy for English and Cantonese speaking infants, children or adults who experience hearing problem and speech disorder.
Our Services
Aural-Oral Training Program
Individual therapy sessions are carefully designed according to the child's development and interest, and therapy are conducted through motivating listening activities. Parents and caretakers are guided to develop their children's listening skills at home.
Our aural -oral training program includes:
- Auditory training: Auditory training emphasizes on usage of residual hearing. Training includes listening to environmental sound, recognition of voice patterns, understanding of word and phrases and normal conversation through hearing devices.
- Expressive Speech training and articulation: Training on conversation skills, story telling, topic presentation, abstract thinking, and also phoneme articulation.
- Language Training: Training on comprehension and production of familiar word phrases, carrier phrases, sentences; development of auditory memory training.
- Communication training: To build up self- confidence through listening games, like turn-taking; eye contact and behavior control; and encourage communication using spoken language.
- Assistive Listening Device training: Training on telephone usage and FM usage in classrooms.
- School support: Itinerant service and in-service for regular school so as to enhance the success of mainstreaming.
- Parental guidance: Guidance for parent to encourage listening at home.
Auditory-Verbal Therapy
Auditory-verbal therapy is to help children with hearing loss to use their amplified hearing to communicate through spoken language. Training emphasize on hearing rather than vision. Therapy involves parents as the child's natural language teacher.
Children learn to use their residual hearing through hearing aids and/or cochlear implants to listen and understand spoken language in order to communicate through speech. Therapy sessions are individualized and involve active parent participants. Learning activities are planned according to the child's development, and therapists demonstrate, guide and coach parents on auditory-verbal techniques for stimulating speech, language and communication activities at home. Through play and active involvement with supportive parents and caregivers in everyday situations, hearing is integrated in into child’s total personality and language and speech skills are developed in a natural way. The goal for an auditory-verbal child is full participation and independence within regular classrooms.
Our Auditory-Verbal Therapy service includes :
- Supporting children's auditory-verbal development through one-to-one weekly therapy sessions.
- Guiding, counseling, and supporting parents and caregivers as the primary models for spoken language through listening
- Helping children to integrate listening into their development of communication and social skills
- Helping children monitor their own voice, and the voice of others in order to enhance the intelligibilition of their spoken language
- Working with parents as partners in planning strategies in integrating listening, language, speech, cognition and communication into children's daily routines and experiences.
- To continuously assess and evaluate children's developemnt on the above areas and establishing long and short term goals accordingly.
- Providing support services to facilitate children's educational inclusion in regular education classes.
Speech Therapy
Our speech services aims at helping both young children and adult with all types of communication disorders. We provide comprehensive assessment, diagnosis and individualized therapy.
Our target population includes children with speech and language delay, hearing impairment, mental handicap, physical handicap, stuttering, cleft lip and palate, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy; and adult with stuttering, voice disorder, brain damage, cerebral vascular accident, dementia, Pakinsonism or another other problems relating to the central nervous system.
Our speech and language therapy services aim at:
- Facilitate client's language comprehension, language expression, articulation, speech fluency, voice and social communication abilities
- Promote client's eating and swallowing ability
- Facilitate client's social communication and cognitive development
- Assist relatives to cope with client's communication problems
- Improve client's quality of lives
- In-service trainings for medical or health centre, kindergarten, nursery, primary and secondary school, elderly centre.
Nature of Clients
- Hearing-Impaired population
- People experience speech disorder
- Long-time users of hearing aids
- Cochlear Implantees
- Clients with developmental delay, autism, attention deficits, hoarseness of voice, stuttering, post tongue surgery, laryngectomees, strok
- Inservice training or provide information for other medical or health centre, kindergarden, nursery, primary and secondary school, home for the aged.