The consequences can be so serious
if hearing loss go untreated

Increased Hearing Loss
Increased Hearing Loss
Safety Issues
Safety Issues
Communication Barriers
Communication Barriers
Affect Family Relations
Affect Family Relations
Communication difficulty
Communication difficulty

Professional Service Features

Free Trial
Free Trial
Comprehensive Technical Service
Comprehensive Technical Service
Servicing Hong Kong about 35 years
Servicing Hong Kong about 35 years
The first hearing centre in Asia to receive the<br />
Phonak International Approved Pediatric Hearing Center Title
The first hearing centre in Asia to receive the
Phonak International Approved Pediatric Hearing Center Title
Phonak Paediatric Hearing & Speech Centre
The first hearing centre in HK
The first hearing centre in HK
3D printing earmould technology

FREE 1-week Trial Try it before you pay for it!

The environment in hearing centers is generally quiet, and the sound quality during on-site trials will appear clear and comfortable. However, once you are in a different sound environment, there may be a disparity between your expectations and the performance of the hearing aids.

To avoid wasting money, before purchasing hearing aids, it is essential to take them home for a trial! At Phonak Hong Kong, you can enjoy the one-week free trial service at home to ensure that the product suits you before making a purchase!

We're always happy to
hear from you.

Please fill in the following details :
*Must fill in
Name *
Email *
Phone *

Please choose the category below if you are looking for our professional services, we will reply to you as soon as possible.

Appointment Date
Appointment Time
Category *
Hearing Centre
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